The Problem
Over the last decade it has become increasingly difficult to discern the differences in all the powered air surfaces that have entered the marketplace. Ten years ago there were but a handful of powered air support surface manufacturers in the industry. Today there are well over forty. A decade ago there were basically three powered air therapies available; alternating pressure, low air loss, and air fluidized therapy. Today, there are closer to ten powered air therapies available. The industry has grown exponentially over the decade and so have the choices.
The Solution
To help eliminate some of the confusion that we have noticed within the health care industry concerning powered air therapy support surfaces, Continental Health Equipment has adopted a color coding system to help customers identify the type of wound healing therapy being provided by a specific piece of equipment. Below you will see a table that consists of a listing of therapy types and their associated color marking. All equipment in our rental inventory as well as those pieces of equipment sold in the future will be marked with one of the following color tags when appropriate. Furthermore, all of Continental Health Equipment’s internally produced marketing and training materials will also adhere to this color-coding system.
Examples of Continental Health Equipment documentation presently using the system:
- The Continental Health Equipment Printed Product Catalog
- The Continental Health Equipment In-service Presentations
- The Continental Health Equipment Support Surface Advisor
- The Product Catalog